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  • Writer's pictureThe Eden Ideal

God Goals

Happy new year! So you’ve made it to the end of the beginning, you’ve reached the end of the first month of the year and I’m sure like me, you had all these goals and visions planned at the beginning of the year. You’ve probably prayed, maybe even fasted over these goals. And maybe now you're not feeling as motivated to reach these goals as you were on the 1st of January. I’m here to tell you, you are not alone. Many people begin the year feeling super motivated and excited about what the new year has in store, but three to four weeks in, you begin to feel less motivated and less inclined to continue putting the work in to reach said goals.

I’m here to tell you and to remind myself, that God gave you those visions and goals for a reason and now is not the time to give up! After the battles of the year 2020, I personally want to hear from God, listen attentively and do what He says from now on, therefore I am pursuing the goals that God set for me at the beginning of this year.

This doesn’t mean that I will put myself down if I don’t achieve them right now or even by the end of the year but I want to know that I’m trying, I persevered and I listened. You’re probably thinking, how am I so sure these goals are from God and not just me? I prayed. I had ideas and I prayed on them, I believe that ideas don’t just come from nowhere, yes of course we all have our own thoughts, opinions and ideas but when we pray on them and they don’t go away, or the feeling of wanting to achieve these goals get stronger and stronger, they have to come from God, right? I believe that these goals we pray about and write down and fast over are God goals.

God does not want his children to remain idle, He does not want us to stay in the same position forever, as long as your goals are Christ centered and do not take over your love for him and time spent with Him, He wants them for you. Psalm 20:4 says;

“May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”

God wants your plans to succeed, He wants you to reach your goals. As long as you commit them to Him, He will establish your plans. (Proverbs 16:3) That’s not to say that things will happen straight away or that you’ll reach your goals in the time frame you’ve given yourself. God has his timing for everything, if it is His will, it will be done but it could happen tomorrow, it could happen in a year or two, the important thing that we need to remember is that it will be in God’s own time. I think that’s why we are so quick to give up on our goals or lose focus, because it seems like things are not happening straight away, things are not coming to fruition as quickly as we want or thought they would. As humans, it is normal for us to try and make sense of life, we want A+B to equal C every single time but when we set goals and go through life in general, our own perspective just isn’t big enough to give us the whole picture. What we need to remember is, even though things don’t make sense to us, they surely make sense to God.

Hold on to this verse as you continue planning for the future while trying to achieve your goals for this year 2021, “In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” Proverbs 16:9. It is safe to say that if we focus on God, His will shall be done in our lives, and if you feel stuck, keep talking to Him and He will surely give you the wisdom you need to know how to take your next steps, whatever your goals may be.

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