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What does it mean to look like Christ?

Quiz Picture - Christ images.png

Which of these pictures do you think most looks like Jesus?


The bible doesn't actually ever describe what Jesus looks like, but most cultures tend to depict him in their own image and develop their own narrative about what it means to look and behave like him.


We've developed the quiz below to help us challenge our preconceptions about what it means to image Christ and will be doing a whole series on our podcast, exploring his teachings in detail to gain a better understanding directly from him on what he thought it meant to look like him.


You can listen to our introduction podcast episode on the 'Becoming like Christ' series here, where the team goes through the quiz together for the first time and discuss the rationale behind our answers.


Friendly disclaimer -  this is a multiple choice quiz and there can be more than one answer on some of the questions. Answers are based on our own personal understanding at the time and it is designed to encourgae debate and discussion.


Please let us know what you think on our instagram page! Good luck!  

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