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Working together to create a 'good' world through practical application of the teachings of Jesus

What is 'The Eden Ideal'?

The Eden Ideal is a movement to continue the work which Jesus started - bringing good news into our communities (Isaiah 61:1-4).

We believe that the good news which Jesus came to share wasn't just that we could get back into right relationship with God through him, but that he is also equipping us to become people who can truly love our neighbours and establish his Kingdom here on Earth.

It is not always obvious how to go about creating this new world, so we have set up this platform as a space where like minded people can share ideas, inspire and encourage each other on our collective journey back to God's Eden Ideal.

We create high quality media content including weekly podcasts, blogs and articles. We'd love to connect with you so please follow us Instagram, Twiter and Facebook for the latest information on new releases and what we're up to.

Keep an eye out for future events and workshops where you can join us in actively participating in pushing the movement forward. 

Check out our Teams Page to see who we are and complete the contact form at the bottom of the page to get in touch if you have any comments, questions, suggestions or ideas!

Image by Neal E. Johnson
Studio Microphone

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The Eden Ideal 


Hosts: The Eden Ideal Team

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